Jun 132011

Ambassador Theate­­­­­r Presents

Called Up To Life:

Legends of the Baal Shem Tov

A new musical blending the sounds of klezmer,

Yiddish theater and Hasidic story telling.


Alexandria, VA –  On  June 21 at 7:30 pm at the Lyceum,  Ambassador Theatre will present a staged reading of the musical  Called Up To Life: Legends of the Baal Shem Tov by local playwright Art Levine, directed by Tom Mallan.

Called Up To Life reveals a culture that once flourished in Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, and the Ukraine.  The Jews of Eastern Europe both absorbed and imparted cultural traditions with the people of those nations for more than a thousand years.  The resulting cultural mix left an indelible mark on Eastern European and World civilization.

In the 1700’s the movement known as Pietism swept the peoples of Europe, and European Jews were no exception.  Called Up To Life tells this grand story through one night in the life of a single Jewish family in 1782 Italy.  Opening their home to a wandering stranger, the chance encounter proves thrilling as they discover his surprising origins, and his link to their own past, present and future.  Woven in song through this personal story are folk tales and legends that grew up around the Baal Shem Tov, a wonder-working rabbi who rose from obscurity to lead a religious revival.

Ambassador Theater believes that by illuminating the world’s cultures through drama, it is possible to bring peace and understanding.   As part of Ambassador Theater’s New Works series, Artistic Director Hanna Bondarewska has been working with local playwright Art Levine to develop this innovative multidisciplinary piece of theater.  This staged reading lets the company put our work before the public and gives the public a glimpse of a work in progress.

Featuring: Gia Mora, Barbara Papendorp, Cyle Durkee, Scott Sedar and Stas Wronka


The Lyceum, Alexandria’s History Museum

201 South Washington Street

Alexandria VA 22314

TO RESERVE TICKETS: Suggested donation $25

On line: www.aticc.org or at the door

Media: Please e-mail or call to reserve your seats

WHEN:  Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.

Discussion and Wine Reception follows


Jun 022011

Called up to Life
We are casting for a snap shot of a new musical, Called up to Life by Art Levine, special staged reading planned for June 21, 2011 at the Lyceum in old town, Alexandria VA
It is a musical with the klezmer and Yiddish sounds and story line.

The BSHT, the Baal Shem Tov. This is a singer’s role. He has a few speeches, but its really for a singer.

The Rosh Yeshiva, This is an actors role. He has two important songs, but he has the key speech in the finale.

Rabbi Simon, an old man, one important song. In this version, he sings the supporting roles.

Frumeh Leah, the female lead.

Feiga, Rebetsen, female character parts.

Please send your photo resume via e-mail and state your preference for an audition.

Thank you

Casting Dates: June 2 – June 6, 2011 Please e-mail your head-shot resume to schedule an audition
Audition/Casting Address:
205 Yoakum Pkwy #1008
Alexandria, VA 22304

Contact Information:
Hanna Bondarewska
Phone: 7034754036
Email: artisticdirector@aticc.org

E-mail your headshot and resume